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We hold the image of a God
We hold the image of a God
by Andrew Pratt
We hold the image of a God of pure humility and grace, so gentle in each act and word, with kindness shining from his face. But is this picture right and real? The Psalmist sings of fire and light, of righteous judgment, boundless power, devouring all that is not right. Verses 3-
When in our loneliness, lost without comfort
When in our loneliness, lost without comfort
by Andrew Pratt
When in our loneliness, lost without comfort, homeless, abandoned, when hope has all gone; God speaks through history, the words still disturb us: 'this is your home and you must carry on'. When our depression has mirrored that exile, hope is diminished and love drains away; even
Rhythms of remembering - Christmas - Thursday Evening Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Christmas - Thursday Evening Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
CHRISTMAS - Thursday Evening Prayer Arise, shine, for your light is come! God all-bounteous, all-creative, whom no ills from good dissuade, is incarnate, and a native of the very world he made. Christopher Smart...
Rhythms of remembering - Friday Night Prayer
Rhythms of remembering - Friday Night Prayer
by SPCK - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild
Midday and Night Prayer for all seasons Friday Night Prayer O Lord my God, my Saviour, by day and night I pray to you. For all the good I have seen and done today, I give thanks. For all my sins and omissions, I ask pardon...
Four Gospels, One Jesus - From four gospels forward to many Jesuses
Four Gospels, One Jesus - From four gospels forward to many Jesuses
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
From four gospels forward to many Jesuses Many interpretations tend to create the subject’s portrait in the author’s own image. Irenaeus applies the four living creatures not only to the evangelists themselves, but also to their portraits of Jesus: the four symbols are ‘images of
Through the silence at creation
Through the silence at creation
by Andrew Pratt
Through the silence at creation colours wove a brilliant light, shimmering rainbows, shards of lightning broke the darkness of the night. Verses 2-3 foolow Tune: SHIPSTON Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 21/7/2013 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.stainer.
The Living God - Images as windows into God
The Living God - Images as windows into God
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Which God Are We Talking About? 1 Images as windows into God A picture is worth a thousand words.’ Being able to show someone a picture of a beautiful scene, a complicated piece of machinery or a pet cat goes a long way towards making up for the limitations of human words. So per
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 17 - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 17 - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 17 Make clean our hearts, o God, and renew a spirit within us, that we may seek and serve in joy and gladness and bring others into the glory of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is a live and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever. Amen…
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 9 - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 9 - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 9 O Lord of light and vision, open our eyes to behold your presence, to perceive your love and to see your presence for us; that rejoicing in your presence and strengthened by your love we may do your will and become what you have called us to be; through Jesus Christ our
John The People's Commentary - Healing an Official's Son